always committed to security
Operation Methodology
The Kawalan Perwira team operates through a well defined organization and chain of command, beginning with the Senior Management, down through the Branch Manager, Mobile Patrolling Supervisors, Site Supervisors to the local guard.
The Branch Manager and Operations Team will be available at all times to receive instructions from the management. These instructions will be relayed to the Guard Force and other Managers of the Organization where required.
Mobile telephones and e-mail form the backbone of speedy information to ensure that the requirements of all our customers are met. In the event of any Emergency, the incident would be reported to the Shift Supervisor, who would handle the situation based on his training and experience.
If however, the situation requires escalation, he would summon the Mobile Patrolling Supervisor and seek his assistance in the matter. All such incidents would be recorded in the appropriate reporting formats and forwarded to the management.
The Supervisors would also inform the 24 hour Control Room of the situation, who would monitor the event until its final resolution. If the situation continues to deteriorate, the Senior Operations person and the Branch Manager would also move in to contain the situation.
Kawalan Perwira has a 24hr / 365 days Control Room in operation.
All such situations will be analyzed thereafter in order to understand and learn from the experience and will also form part of the Training for the guard force to enable them to handle such situations with greater confidence.
How we will work together